2000.05.26 over the river & through the woods:

getting ready to go home for the weekend, visit my parents for the first time since christmas. since I've got a few days before I start my new job, and since I haven't visited them so far during my month and a half unemployment, I figure its about time.

it's nice to have cool parents… well I guess I can't really say cool, but understanding, helpful, and loving. it's nice to have parents that really care about you and really do what they can to help you achieve something, either by their encouragement, or by bailing you out with rent money when you're unemployed.

so many people don't have that, in fact, most of the people I know don't have that loving, stable family background. its really sad, but it has made them stronger people, more independent I suppose.

I guess as long as we learn how to take care of ourselves, and don't fall into the traps our parents set for us–whether they were good parents or bad parents–we'll turn out okay in the end. parental guidance helps a lot, but self-guidance is perhaps more important.

anyway, I'd intended this to be just a short little entry saying have a good weekend!

- 05:14 pm :: permalink :: 1 comment
categories ::  Family - Happy/Love - Society - Travel

One Response to “over the river & through the woods:”

javan said:


# September 5, 2002,

