2000.05.30 pleasant reminders:

gonna be a short post today, after my mental eruption of last night. apologies to those readers who's eyes were terribly strained by the tiny font I put yesterday's post in. I was suitably chastised by brian and several other friends, and have corrected it now.

waking up this afternoon, I was surprised to find several people in my house. I think today was the first time that's happened in several years. back in college ('94-'96ish) it became a daily routine to wake up and find between 2 and 20 people hanging out in the living room, but since moving to Louisville, the guests tend to be less frequent and more spaced out.

seeing all those people in the house was a pleasant reminder of how things used to be, and in the spirit of those memories, I suggested an impromptu cookout. it went well, fun was had by all.

no word yet from my potential employers. perhaps if I can wake up before 3:00 pm tomorrow I'll be able to give them a call myself…

obligatory link for the day: TheElectricChair.com
sorry, didn't do much surfing today…

- 04:36 am :: permalink
categories ::  Bipolar: News - Cool Links - Friends - Nostalgia - Work

