2000.06.16 your favorite thing to say to me is nothing:

adam has posted a veritable cornucopia of links over at kempa.com. go check it out.

nothing much on the personal note. i had a crazy toothache earlier, and i've been pissed all day that all i could get ahold of was my dentist's answering machine…

new quote from sebastian: "when life gives you poop, make poop juice." he updated signal drench at 7am…complete with an episode of "indie prick digest." someone has even posted a rebuttal to one of his reviews. i'm sorry, but i think i'm gonna have to side with my man sebastian on this. although someday i'm going to rewrite his bluetip ep review…

now that i've gotten my last personal dig of the day in…goodnight.

- 12:19 am :: permalink
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