2000.07.01 loose electrons lose their bonds:

slowly working my way towards the end of the day. the score around here is brian: 2, kinko's: 0. not looking good for the corporate team, eh?

haven't been doing much web browsing lately. adam at kempa.com updated and linked to a few good weezer sites, so maybe you should head over there and check it out.

us|against|them has a few interesting tidbits, as well. including a news item about mtv releasing a soundtrack to this years real world…complete with the get up kids and promise ring? as well as a link to an enjoyable newer site: indieshite. they're assholes after my own heart. i'm interested in seeing what negative things they have to say about good ol' bipolar…

so yeah…i stole most of my links and relied on the other weblogs to get me through this post. what're you gonna do about it?

the "i'm a fuckin' geek" dept.: fandom's newsarama. the only site you need to check for daily comic geek news.

i'm slowly trying to move all of my shit out of my old apartment and into my new temporary lodgings. things are proceeding slow, and there's no one to blame for that except myself. maybe if i didn't have to work all the time, i'd have more time to do the shit that i need to do. but then again…paychecks are nice.

- 12:37 pm :: permalink
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