2000.07.12 vanity insanity:

I am a really really sad individual. sad in a "what a pathetic loser" sort of way, rather than a "woe is me" kind of way.

I have just spent an inordinate amount of time on raging.com–a new search engine by the AltaVista crew, which really isn't any different or better than all the other search engines out there except that it doesn't have a bunch of extraneous "My" kinda crap and ad banners all over the place on it–and if you've never done this, i really don't recommend it. the ultimate pursuit of vanity.

i plugged my own name into the search engine. to my partial surprise, it found over 1,000 pages that "matched" my query. i immediately tried to get more specific by using "+" signs, trying, somewhat unsuccessfully to get it to do a boolean-and type search. my lack of success, I suppose, bespeaks my ignorance and the fact that I've only briefly read those search "help pages." who the fuck knows how those damn search engines work… i plug in rabbits and I get hot steamy asian anal rampage.

anyway, there actually were a few pages with my name on them, but strangely enough, none of them had anything to do with any aspect of my life over the past three or four years. and, of course, none of my own pages come up… weird. 'course I suppose it would help if I submitted the damn things to the search engines.

i did find a few genealogy pages, with listings of people who might have been my ancestors, and obituary pages, which was a little off-putting and I didn't really delve into out of some paranoid fear of actually seeing my own name.

thats it. i'm out.

- 12:06 pm :: permalink
categories ::  Computers/Tech - Cool Links - Family

