2000.07.15 i shut the door with my face:

well…i've seen the x-men twice now. paul got us tickets for an advance screening thursday night, so we got to sit head deep in fanboys and see it on one of the biggest screens in town. that was awesome. but i think it was even more enjoyable the second time around. the reaction by people who have no knowledge of the x-men prior to the film was entertaining. paul's favorite audience quote (on the way out): "damn dawg. that shit was tight." i think that that may very well be a positive reaction… the theatre was packed last night, as well, meaning the movie may very well be a box office success. something marvel has never had (minus blade, but that doesn't count…). i share matt's opinion that after seeing the x-men brought to life in such a cool way, my enthusiasm for a spiderman movie has just been amped by about 1000.

in other x-men hoo-haa: behind the scenes clips to download.

adam has updated kempa.com. he's definitely where i am on this whole x-men issue. and i totaly agree that the movie seemed a bit short.

sebastian hasn't updated signal drench in a few days, and i haven't talked to him in over a week…i guess he's dead.

harry from ain't it cool news has posted a cool article about his recent visit to the set of from hell, yet another comic property getting turned into a movie. if you can get past his witless ramblings, there's actually a good idea of how this film will look and feel.

enough about comics and movies already…

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