2000.08.13 can't get the stink out:

first off…sorry that i haven't updated this thing in while. my best friend in the universe, guy kelly, just got back from two years abroad. needless to say, we've had some catching up to do.

the casket lottery breezed back into my town this weekend, and it's always nice to see those guys. too bad i don't get to see them often enough. we got to hang out and shoot the shit and all of that goodness. people were rocked. pictures were drawn. comics were bought. all in all, a damn good time.

since we're on the subject of friends and the distance that separates me from some of mine…i'll finally be able to see my friend jack again when i head up to chicago at the end of this month to see hey mercedes play their first show. so if you plan on being there, seek out this handsome guy, and tell him how much you love his weblog.

special note to conner: fuck you fuck you fuck you. i do too update this shit every now and then. thanks for reading, man.

::end transmission::

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