2000.08.15 fat bottom girls:

well…as you may have already read in matt's blog over there, our #1 search string so far this month is: 250lb women.

first off, i want to state for the record that i think this is sick. sick depraved shit. i know you're out there. i know you are coyly searching for fat chick porn and then linking over to us. well whoever you are…fucking quit it. you're driving me nuts. fuckin' sicko.

anyway…i now have an even faster computer. i spent the day installing a new processor and setting everything up correctly. shit that should have been done the first time around, but whatever. so i'm blazin' along. now all i need is that damn dsl connection…

just because i haven't mentioned it lately, kempa.com has been updated quite a few times in my absence. you know…we went with blogger so that it would be easy to update this thing on a regular basis…looks like we're still just a bunch of lazy bastards.

went and saw the national acrobat play on sunday. they played with a whole host of other bands, but after they played, i left. i was hungry and getting a headache. i guess that's the way things go. i did, however, pick up their newest cd, "the national acrobat is, for all practical purposes, dead." it's quite amazing. you should give it a shot if you haven't already.

that's about it for tonight.

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