2000.10.12 another day:

well, thought I'd do a quick little update before I leave work. one thing of note is that I've added permalinks (at the end of each post, use the "PL" links to link to individual posts) not that I can really imagine that anyone will ever need or want to do this. I'll have to add it to brian's blog tonight, if he wants it.

yesterday was comics & denny's day, and after doing that thing, Paul and I went over to his house to watch Star Trek: Voyager (which I'm completely out of the loop on, not having seen an episode in something like two years now.) It was a fun little episode, lots of Seven of Nine, which always makes Voyager worth watching.

I've had jack to do today, sat around in my new cube most of the day just surfing the web, found some weird stuff, but nothing really cool enough to write about. checked out some other blogs, saturn.org, powazek.com, and some others I didn't pay as much attention to. I pretty much clicked almost every link on saturn.org, there's some interesting stuff there.

I had an idea that I was going to finish what I started talking about in yesterday's post, but I don't think I can.

I keep wondering why I'm doing this. right now I guess I'm doubting my reasons for keeping this up, and wondering what the ultimate purpose is. I'd like to think that I do it to give myself a forum, somewhere to work out the things in my head, since I can't seem to find time (or enough inspiration) to do my other creative writing stuff anymore. i'd like to think I do it to communicate things to those people I should talk to everyday but can't, i'd like to think i'm doing it for something other than my ego, vanity, and desire for recognition.

hopefully I'll feel better about this whole thing tomorrow.

- 06:08 pm :: permalink
categories ::  Bipolar: News - Comics - Cool Links - TV - Work

