2000.11.22 cold heart makes good:

paul bought the x-men dvd tonight. being the x-men freak that he is, this was really only a matter of time. i ended up buying gladiator. i opted for that one due mostly to the fact that i've seen x-men six times and i only got a chance to see gladiator once. and the fact that gladiator has two discs and multiple hours of extra features….i think i made a good choice.

so here we are at thanksgiving. tomorrow begins the madness that is the holiday season. america goes crazy trying to buy whatever is "in" this year, and everyone forgets to kick back and relax. spend time with the family. i guess this is kind of ironic that i brought that up, because i'm wondering if i'll even spend tomorrow with the family at all. i'll probably sit around the apartment watching dvds and playing video games. i'm sure i'll actually do something for christmas, i just don't know what, exactly.

and if anyone is looking for something to get me for christmas…i've found it for you.

i think i'm gonna go watch gladiator now.

- 09:04 pm
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