2000.11.24 mom, your turkey put me in a coma:

well, thanksgiving went off without a hitch. my parents did their normal thing of having several families over for breakfast in the morning, so i got to see all those people that i only see once a year. and no sooner had i gotten out of the shower and dressed, than i realized that i was almost completely uncomfortable around most of them. these are the people that i grew up around, and i'm so different from the person i was back then. i mainly just filled my plate with all that good food, sat down in the livingroom away from all the people, and just quietly stuffed my face. i don't even really feel bad about it, 'cause i didn't come home to see them. i came home to be with my family, all this extra thanksgiving bullshit is just an excuse and a couple extra days off work to make it possible.

it has been amazingly calm around here today though. i was worried that my dad & I would get into a big argument over politics, but he hasn't even really said anything to me about it. in fact, i've had more discussions with my mom and little brother about it than with my dad. maybe he's just biding his time.

i am planning to post–for your reading pleasure–the emails i sent my dad about my political feelings. hopefully i'll be able to get those formatted and uploaded tomorrow (er… today…)

i was also very happy to talk to my sister, who called from france. she's planning on coming home for christmas, so i'll get to see her then.

well, i've been up since 8:00, my brain & body are about to shut down from the food overload.

good to hear the puffin had a decent day as well.

- 02:33 am
categories ::  Family - Politics - Travel

