2000.11.26 hope it might pass:

well i've successfully found the most inane website i've ever seen. thanks to guy kelly, i've been exposed to the makeout club. i've never seen a larger assortment of fat straightedge vegan girls. this is not what one would call a "good thing." guy is correct, though; there are a few cute girls on this site. but they all ruin it by coming up with completely retarded names like "endeavor" and "covenant" and surrounding them with giant Xs.

my profile that almost happened on the makeout club:
interests: drinking beer, eating chicken, and copious amounts of anal sex.
dislikes: everything else.

i don't think anyone would get the joke.

i didn't do much of anything tonight. this anti-social thing is kinda starting to get old. i was accused of making a "rare public appearance" last night when i was at the record store. people act like i'm fucking j.d. salinger or something. but maybe that's the way i'm acting lately…

i skipped my friend chad's birthday party thing tonight. there was gonna be lots of rock music and lots of beer. chad turned 30, and i'm happy he's made it this far. but i just wasn't up to being around a ton of people tonight. i'm supposed to be going bed early for work tomorrow, but we see how successful i am at that, huh?

it looks like i'm one of the rare few that actually decided to update their weblogs regularly over the weekend. aside from paul, but he hung out with me all weekend while matt was gone, so he has a good excuse to be bored and updating. but much thanks to the puffin for putting up with my shit and hanging out the whole time.

in less than a week i will be in cold chicago. the windy city. the place that occupies my mind more often than the bathroom. watching bands and snuggling up with someone who matters.


- 02:52 am
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