2000.11.28 covetous i am:

i got laundry done today. this seems to be the only big accomplishment that i can speak of. i didn't get out of bed until 1:30 this afternoon, and i felt great about it. when it gets on into these cold winter months, i usually find it hard to come up with a reason to get out of bed. aside from the usual ones like work and going to the bathroom, of course. but it's my day off, so i have an excuse.

are you wearing a wire? reached the one month mark last friday. in the short month that it's been in existence, it's become one of my first few stops of the day when i'm doing that initial bleary-eyed browsing. so congratulations out to bob, pumpkin muffin, the good doctor, and even drunk henderson. here's to many more months.

that said, i haven't really been doing too much browsing lately. but this weblog has really evolved from a standard link and commentary site, so i don't feel so bad about that.

i'm heading up to chicago this weekend. it'll be my big winter vacation, so i'm pretty stoked. i plan on hanging out with everyone up there that i don't get to see very often. i'll be going to the big hey mercedes, faraquet, rocket from the crypt show on saturday, so i'll get to see and hang out with bob a bit. i'll of course get over to the home of the matts and make them into eatmoshits. they'll rue the day they messed with the big monkey. and i also plan on paying respects to my departed friend sebastian. the last two times i've been up there, i haven't been able to stop by the memorial, but i'm making time for it this weekend.

all this while jack sits at home.

- 08:48 pm
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