2000.12.08 must… update… blog…:

the dull ache that is my life continues to suck the inspiration from projects i thoroughly enjoy–such as this oh-so-lovely blog.

scott over at erasing.org has posted some recent photographs that have been somewhat inspiring to me today. most of them are very good, some of them are moderately good, and a few of them just look like snapshots.

i have to say that i really enjoy photography, though i know very little about the technical aspects of it. i enjoy candid photos–not "snapshots", but carefully framed candid shots where the subjects aren't posing, and the photographer has taken time to find a good composition. of all my little projects that have fallen by the wayside, i probably regret my neglect of photography the most, probably because it would be the easiest thing to do while doing everything else that occupies my time. i could theoretically carry a camera (even a disposable!) around with me everywhere, and never have to say "if i only had a camera" like i currently do almost everyday.

if anyone knows of some other online photo galleries, collections, personal stashes, or whatever, .

hopefully either this weekend or sometime next week, we'll finally get the trip log and photos from our chicago trip up like we promised weeks ago, and maybe–if you're lucky–we'll actually finish the new bipolar as well. now that i've got this (sort-of) new computer and blazin 'net access, i'll actually be able to devote a little time to it.

- 10:22 am :: permalink
categories ::  Calls to Action - Cool Links - Personal Projects

