2000.12.11 i see you've made yourself all sick again:

it seems i'm starting to come down with what is known (not very) affectionately as "my yearly cold." around this time last year, i found myself out at 1:30 in the morning with a temperature of 105 (i am not lying!) trying to find someplace open to buy a sprite. i was clearly delirious. and now it's begun…the sniffles are slowly trying to drive me mad, and the sore throat has been hanging out for the better part of a week. don't we just love the winter?

on the way into work i listened to one of my favorite albums of all time: gentlemen by the afghan whigs. it's just an alcohol soaked moan of loss. if you don't already own it, i suggest you pick it up. this is your only warning.

i hunger…i am going to lunch early today.

- 11:10 am :: permalink
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