2000.12.22 we are reaching a new low:

i went down to the repair place to reclaim the car today. that set me back a grand total of $310.35. it ended up being the timing belt that broke, making my car rather non-functional. it seems to be running better than it did before the accident, so i guess that's a plus.

we're having everyone over tonight for a little christmas business (paul's already here, posting for the evening). i finally get to meet the mysterious nathan tonight, so that should be interesting. we'll exchange gifts and a good time should be had by all.

my cousin brad seems to have launched a new site, entitled life during wartime. i personally think it reads much better than his old one, so hopefully he decides to continue it.

the new developing the monkey is finally up. it's nice to have another hefty dose of kevin smith, and it's also nice to see that psycomic got their server problems straightened out.

have a good weekend. i intend on staying busy.

- 09:07 pm :: permalink
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