2001.01.04 was this all arranged?:

i'm back at work now. i actually wrote a post last night (which you can find by scrolling down) that, for one reason or another, blogger decided it didn't want to post. so it's there.

work has been pretty stress-free today. the only thing that is bugging me is that i'm the only person here today on my "team". all the other "teams" are humming with life, busy little bees, and i'm sitting here in this huge chunk of office space, all by myself. this is actually known as "a good thing", but i feel a little paranoid, just the same. other than that…water off a duck's back.

i'm looking forward to seeing the killing a camera video. i'll have to wait until i get paid again to order one, but what the hey? it sounds like a humdinger of a good time. now if bob wanted to just send me one as a friendly gesture…

the roommate shuffle has finally died down. bob has been moved out and brax has moved in. i say bob has "been moved out" for a reason. everyone got all of his shit together and checked it down into the basement. apparently he didn't take the december 31st deadline seriously, so some hands-on action was needed. i didn't participate in this, considering i had a house guest, but i know that a lot of work was put into gathering all of bob's mass of weed-scented belongings and dragging it all downstairs. as of last night, no one has seen or heard from bob. hrm.

back to work, slacker!

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