2001.01.06 keep you in a jar:

i have done a whole big ol' bunch of nothing today. it's technically saturday as i write this, but my friday was filled with nothing but comic books and video games. i'm in the process of plugging my mammoth comic collection into a database program i've been using. i got a little sidetracked a couple of months ago, and i've been playing catch-up ever since. ahhh…the life of a geek.

guitar line of the week: nirvana – oh the guilt. jesus christ that song rocks. it's from the split with jesus lizard, and it's one of the best songs they've ever done.

looks like brad is getting quite a following. nanette and paul have both added static links to his site in the past week or so.

speaking of paul…he was over for the majority of the evening. we went out to eat at that bastion of trashy seafood restaurants: moby dick. i, since i don't eat fish, opted to eat some chicken. they should have called them "chicken not-so-tenders." they were nasty as hell, so it probably wasn't the best decision i've ever made. we decided that all seafood eateries should have their employees dress like pirates and only speak in simulated pirate voices. heavy use of "arrrr" and "matey." we also decided that there should be a shark tank where unwitting shlubs can be forced to "walk the plank." if only we ran the world…

i signed bipolar up for the indieblogs webring thing that nanette is putting together. we probably won't actually add the code into the page until we do our big much-delayed redesign. so basically…don't hold your breath.

tomorrow is a big day. i plan on doing some more nothing.

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