2001.01.11 jumped into the river:

so today i found two lucky pennies. it didn't do me much good. i sat at work all day talking to the biggest assortment of idiots ever brought together. just another day in tech support, huh?

i barely slept a wink last night. i tossed and turned and let all the shit that i brush off during the daytime weigh down on my mind. i planned to go to bed much earlier tonight and i've so far failed miserably. i'm up at damn near 1am writing this post for no good reason.

i tricked my sister into watching my cat for me for a couple of weeks until i get a new apartment. i've been away from my clyde for way too long, and i'm sure she misses me like mad. yes my cat is a girl. yes her name is clyde. don't ask. the story doesn't make sense.

i got email from the editor-in-chief of marvel comics today. normally i don't flaunt the names of the luminaries (in my world) that i hold online correspondence with, but i have to make an exception for this one.

a little history:
joe quesada has been a favorite artist of mine for many a year. i started liking him way back when he did the six issue ray mini-series for dc. he went on to fill his plates with a ton of other projects, finally peaking (in my eyes) in his beautifully rendered (yet tragically late) run on daredevil, written by kevin smith. i was shocked and quite pleased to hear that joe was awarded for his amazing work on his own imprint, marvel knights, and was appointed to the highest office in the land (the comic book land, anyway): editor-in-chief of marvel comics. well joe has been on a tear, revolutionizing the way things are done at marvel, and signing on some heavy hitters to create new properties and to work on the classics like spider-man and the x-men. the x-men was the one i had issue with. he signed on an extremely talented, yet extremely british creator to draw one of the main x-books. the man's nationality doesn't come out in any sort of biased or nationalistic rant…it's just that he's a very line-heavy artist who has been known to draw some pretty nasty looking faces.

the point:
i decided on a whim to email joe about my issues with the artist, and joe took the time out of his day (which involved a huge x-men press conference) to shoot me an email back to let me know that my comment was valued, and that i should remain open to the prospects of said author drawing the title in question. so basically…i got an email from someone i really admire and that's freakin' cool.

i also have the coolest hellboy mousepad you'll ever see.

so kiss off.

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