2001.01.22 it's all the same to me:

i was writing a list of "things to do" during a meeting, earlier. it went a little something like this:

get more sleep.
sleep more.
go to bed earlier.
make sure to get some more sleep at night.

notice a trend?

tomorrow i'm off. not that it'll be any fun. i have to get my little sister to bring my dad over to look at my car. my dad was a mechanic for a long time, so he knows quite a bit more about this shit than i do. more power to him. i'll just sit on the sidelines and say things like "yeah…i thought that's what it might be."

i may have a newfound obsession for rachel leigh cook, but at least i'm not crazy enough to make her a fansite. thank god someone is…

i'm sitting here typing up this post on what should really be my "lunch break." i ended up running across the parking lot to get some trashy fast food on a quick break, earlier, so now i'm just kinda sitting at my desk mopping up some loose hours, if you know what i mean.

you can now find transmission3000 tracks creeping into the rotation on us against them radio. i talked to john about it for a while last night, and it sounded like a fun idea. i've been wanting to set up a radio stream of the t3k stuff for a while, anyway.

back to the drawing board…

- 04:38 pm :: permalink
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