2001.01.28 i'm gonna fade away:

holy shit. i am freakin' tired. i only slept a solid four hours last night, and i'm feelin' it now. you bet your ass i'm going to go to bed nice and early tonight.

we ended up watching hard eight last night. as far as i know, it was p.t. anderson's first film. while i enjoyed it quite a bit, i thought that the plot was rather dry. it seemed more of an actor showcase than an actual film. i know it should be lumped into the "character study" heading, but i would have preferred a little more plot. it was still nice to see how anderson keeps growing as a filmmaker. while boogie nights isn't one of my favorites of all time, i enjoyed it. even if it was way too freakin' long. magnolia seemed more able to support the long running time that anderson is so fond of. and hells yes, i'm looking forward to his coming flick starring adam sandler. this movie has been characterized as "not an adam sandler film, but a p.t. anderson film with adam sandler in it." i hear that he warmed up for the script by writing some skits for saturday night live. sounds like it may have a few good chuckles in there, to say the least.

now i'm gonna huddle down in my chair and try to look like i'm not sleeping…

- 09:42 am :: permalink
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