2001.02.14 let down and hang around:

it's valentine's day, and i'm sitting at work. basking in the clacking of keys and the hum of machines. no love for me, ladies and gentlemen…just the joy of work.

i'm glad to know that my friend ben is doing alright since he moved back to new york city. he's got a job doing web design for atlantic records, and it sounds like things are on an upswing. witness this recent exchange:

b3nlord: i like tv.
Transmission3000: i hate tv.
Transmission3000: it makes me do things like watch New Jack City at 2am.
b3nlord: i love shit like that.
Transmission3000: true.
Transmission3000: i just hate it when i have to work the next day.
b3nlord: i have to go update Rod Stewarts website now. (how weird is that?)
Transmission3000: awesome.
b3nlord: weird.
Transmission3000: definitely.

so…yeah…things seem to be going well. hopefully he's keeping it real on the rod stewart tip.

while i was out on lunch, i swung by the record store to see jim and pick up a copy of the clerks uncensored dvd. it has all six episodes of the animated series, complete with commentary, on a two disc set. talk about handy.

now i need to get back to being a bitter, loveless asshole.

- 03:27 pm :: permalink
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