2001.02.27 simply nothing more to give:

a day late and probably more than a dollar short: the winner of the "redesign bipolar before we do" contest is…jessie hung from scenic hong kong (no shit!). you'll be able to see the winning entry up here soon, we're just gonna iron out the needed css and javascript issues. all of the entries were awesome, but this one really stood out. keep your eyes open.

i've been listening to lot's of weezer lately. mainly because i'll be venturing back up to the windy city to see them the weekend of march the 9th. i guess i'm just getting into that frame of mind, right? best part about this whole renewed weezer kick? my renewed vigor for the awesome weezer offshoot, the rentals. seriously good stuff.

so i have a million things to do before my trip tomorrow. considering my plane leaves at the asscrack of dawn tomorrow, i better get packin'…

- 01:43 pm :: permalink
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