2001.04.23 i wanna get out:

there's nothing worse in the world than waking up in a bad mood. okay…there's probably worse things, but i certainly can't think of any right now. i barely got any sleep last night, so when the alarm started going off, all i wanted to do was punch it. i sleepwalked through my usual morning activities and somehow ended up here at work. talk about your rude awakenings…

i've had the usual assortment of crap on my mind over the last few days. not really knowing how to deal with it, i pull out the usual brian tactic and get all anti-social. standard fare for me, these days. i'm sure it's not the wisest move to alienate myself from everyone, but in all actuality…i don't really care. how's that for a happy statement?

on to some more positive junk…

i can't believe they got j. robbins to post. those jokers will never quit.

saturday was julia's birthday, so a belated public "happy birthday" to her.

i'm sorry, sorry…so sorry…

- 09:58 am :: permalink
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