2001.05.08 i came to all bloodied up:

sitting at my own computer in my own apartment. i'm home and it feels good. i wish i could say i had an amazing time while i was out east, but at least i can say i had fun hanging out with jack and katie. they are incredibly good friends that i don't see often enough, at all. boston is a very cool town that i was glad i got to see.

we went and saw memento yesterday before we headed out to the airport. that movie is seriously fucked up. i had certain reasons why i was especially fucked up by it, but beyond that it was intense. i recommend it to anyone who has been thinking of seeing it.

airport. she didn't show up to see me off. i knew she wouldn't, but i couldn't help hoping she might. someone recently assured me that airport scenes are the worst, anyway…but it wasn't like that for me. i just wanted her to show up. i wanted to see that she does care. i wanted, more than anything, to not have the last i saw of her be her silhouette through her car window as she drove away. i wanted to say goodbye. and it looks like i'll never get that chance.

well…you win some, you lose some. actually, for me it should be "you lose some, you lose some more."

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