2001.05.30 move, moved, moving:

i hate moving. i'm sure i'm not alone in this, since pretty much every person with whom i've ever had even the most rudimentary conversation regarding moving has agreed with me. i've never mentioned moving to someone and had them say "oh, i love moving!" i think if i had, i would have shot them.

really though, i think when all is said and done, i'll have gotten all my personal belongings (not including furniture, of course) into a total of about 15 boxes. so far, i've gotten 8 of them packed up and moved. thursday will be the big day though. we'll be renting the u-haul and lugging all that furniture down two flights of stairs (three if you count the 10 front porch steps) then back up one or two flights of stairs. i'm really dreading it. especially the couch, which in the past has been the bane of my existence. but we've already chopped the legs off of it, so hopefully that'll make it easier this time around.

not much else to say. at this point, moving is my life.

(does the word "moving" look weird to anyone else… maybe it's my disheveled state of mind, but for some reason after i finished writing this, it just didn't look like it was spelled correctly. that is just one of the strangest feelings in the world, when a simple word that you know you're spelling correctly just doesn't feel right… bah.)

OH, and, since i didn't get to post about him "behind his back" this weekend (since our server was apparently down again…), a hearty welcome home to brian. hopefully his several days without a net connection haven't scarred him for life…

- 12:05 am :: permalink :: 3 comments
categories ::  Friends - Rants

3 Responses to “move, moved, moving:”

scott said:

"the" gets me everyt time…

# May 29, 2001,

Sara said:

Don't forget all Sara's movies and the boxes of books in the basement. Don't let them get given away to strangers. If they are any problem, call dad and get him to take them on one of his trips.

Love ya,


# May 30, 2001,

m@ said:

yeah scott, "the" can be pretty dicey at times. another one that always looks weird to me is "food," but at least its got the two "o"'s to make the long ooo sound, while "move" only has one but makes the same sound… weirdness.

and don't worry sara, all your movies are already packed up and moved. and i think mom & dad already took your book boxes home with 'em… i think.

# May 30, 2001,

