2001.06.07 straight american slave:

i woke up in a good mood, this morning, despite it being a rather grey day outside. despite the fact that i'm basically broke for the next week. strange how you can put your life in order and gain a new perspective after so long of looking at things from a skewed angle. for once that glass is half full (if not more so).

i finally remembered to take my cds out to the car with me, this morning. i've been forgetting all week, and every time i got to the car i'd get in and realize "shit…they're still in the house." ironically enough, i brought all the cds down and ended up listening to one that's been in the car the entire time.

on the way into work, once i was getting close to my exit, i noticed a pretty bad snarl in traffic. luckily enough, my exit was right on the outside of all this hullaballoo, so i escaped the maw of the evil morning traffic beast. what i saw when i topped the hill of my exit made me realize what most of us are able to escape on a daily basis…an army of flashing lights lit the bottom of the hill, shooting strobes running straight through the grey morning and heading up all the traffic. an army of buzzing bees coming between all of these cars and an open, empty road beyond. i got into work and matt ended up showing up late (we chit chat on aim throughout the day). i know his route to work runs straight through all that traffic, so i asked if he got stuck in it. he acknowledged that he did and indicated that a semi truck had basically crushed a little car.

once again, perspective comes into play.

chances are looking up for radiohead tickets. they had a lottery that began last night and runs through the 10th to get tickets from their own merch company. we've got confirmation that we've been entered into the lottery, but we won't have word on our success until the 13th, three days before the general on-sale date. consider our fingers crossed.

i'm glad i make you laugh, molly.

i'm sitting here, writing this, writing email, and chatting with a couple of the random people in my life (guy and matt…hardly random). i'd like to point out that none of these things are even loosely defined as "work."

i'm looking forward to an uneventful weekend…

- 10:10 am :: permalink
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