2001.06.20 let's do this over:

today started out pleasantly enough, with rolling thunder and pounding rain in the middle of the night (or terribly early morning, however you want to look at it) waking me up and giving me some prime thinking time before drifting back off to nice dreams.

then i woke up with the alarm. that's always where the day hits the downslope, isn't it?

i did the morning rituals and headed out onto the still wet streets. i hit the highway and was immediately forced into a place that i'd be stuck in for the rest of my interstate experience for this morning: behind a pokey bastard in the fast lane.

let me just get into my theory of "life in the fast lane," for a few seconds… i guess it really stems from that old "lead, follow, or get out of the way" scenario. my theory is, if you're going to speed, great. if you're not going to speed as much as the guy behind you…if you can't hang…clear the way for the more impetuous lawbreaker. it's pretty damn simple. if i am going faster than you, get the fuck out of my way. survival of the fittest. or at least "survival of the most brazen lawbreaker."

and then i get into work, fully aware that all the ceos and vps of this and that are here today. i decided to do my part and wear a tie, but i think things have gotten a little out of hand around here. they came in and turned all of our desk lamps on, citing "they like light! they like things bright!" well…guess what? i don't. consider my desk lamp turned…off. my shirt is bright white. that should count for something. they have all of the window shades open and tons of little smiley-face balloons on people's chairs. it's just a madhouse. all to impress the suits. i guess that's the way the traffic in the pond flows, huh?

and i probably won't be seeing radiohead. not in chicago. not in atlanta. and most likely not in new york. joy of joys. that's what you get for trying to be adaptable.

- 11:27 am :: permalink :: 1 comment
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One Response to “let's do this over:”

matt said:

your driving theory seems very similar to mine. another pet peeve is people who jump in front of you in the fast lane and then don't quite go fast enough to actually pass anyone.

# June 20, 2001,

