2001.06.26 laugh until i am sick:

no coffee, this morning. call it a grand experiment. i'm actually drinking coke, right now, so i think the grand experiment is a bit of a failure. that usually happens when the grand experiment isn't clearly defined.

another failure for the morning: i went out and searched every snack machine in the building for dunkin' stix and came up with nothing but a chocolate chocolate chip muffin. so i spent more and now i'm dying of chocolate overload. sometimes, i tell ya, i can't hang with all this chocolatety goodness. you know…this muffin sure would go great with some coffee.

damn it.

here i am on tuesday, one of my former days off. i miss having that day off in the middle of my week, kinda like a stress reliever. now…now i have to rely on other outlets.

piss off factor of the day: when matt moved out, he took his phone number and the dsl service. jess and i decided, a couple of days later, to go ahead and get the dsl line hooked back up. well…same house, different phone number…bellsouth tells us we don't qualify anymore. i tell them "we just had the shit 3 days ago!" well they didn't even acknowledge me. "click!" now i browse over to the bellsouth site, plug in our number and bang! we qualify. fuckin' idiots…some people, i swear.

well, regardless, consider our order placed. finally…back to the land of screamin' internet. consider me a happy man.

- 11:27 am :: permalink
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