2001.07.01 i ride on the bus into the city every day:

sunday morning. i finally ended my coffee embargo, this morning. let me tell you how rejuvenated i feel…

boy, do i feel rejuvenated.


i had a good day, yesterday. i went out with jess for a spot of lunch and some early afternoon shopping. i ended up getting a new shirt, which is kinda warranted. someone has been bugging me to get some new shirts, anyhow. consider one purchased. we ate at steak escape, which is always yummy. if anything, jess and i have an interesting relationship. it's really odd to sit and talk with an ex-girlfriend about your current girl woes, but jess has unique insight into the situation, knowing how i react to certain things.

later that afternoon, i rolled out to see scott while he was at work, taking a cd in for him to hear a couple of tracks off of. i also showed him the joycam results from the other night, which he seemed to think turned out pretty nice. scott was stuck in backstock hell for the rest of the evening, with his store preparing for inventory, so i let him get back to his working.

i spent the rest of the evening sitting around the house, eating ice cream and reading. every day, i praise my high metabolism for allowing me to eat whatever i want, whenever i want, with no weight gain worries hovering over my head. this will, of course, all catch up to me in a few short years, i'm sure. jess has already made numerous references to me slowly developing a "beer gut." i beg to differ…

a new car on the horizon, late night phone calls, pleasant greetings and goodnights…what more can i ask for, really? i think it's time to just lay back and enjoy the ride for a while…

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