2001.07.04 a simple rule:

happy 4th of july. after reading greg's page, i was instantly reminded of how much i love adbusters. i ran across this article, which should prove very informative for any parent or parent-to-be. since i eventually want to raise children of my own, i found it to be quite informative, especially since i can tend to be a bit hyper, myself, and i'm sure to pass that on to my kids.

speaking of kids…this is the coolest thing i've seen in ages. mike…i'm afraid i'm going to rip your idea off mercilessly, someday.

i am sitting at work, making close to $30 an hour, which to some of you highly paid bigwigs out there really doesn't amount to shit, i guess. it's a lot to me, however. as a matter of fact, i skipped lunch just to make an extra 30 bones for doing nothing.

suck it, trebek.

anyone out there living in the new york city area? need a roommate? got any leads on cheap housing? want to give me a job?

back to the non-grinding grind…

- 06:50 pm :: permalink
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