2001.08.27 your river's flow is damned all to hell:

i've come to the (not so) startling revelation that all i've been listening to lately is neurosis. huge neurosis kick. i just recently got my hands on a copy of times of grace mixed with the tribes of neurot companion cd grace. it's simply amazing, to say the least. i recommend you try listening to them together.

note to self: stop being so frustrated.

i wish it were that easy, you know? i feel like i'm on auto-pilot, most of the time, just cruising through my day, hoping something better will happen. because, honestly, nothing good has happened in a while. i should be one of the happiest guys on earth, i guess. i have a good car for the first time in my life (its novelty has worn off). a good paying job (that i'm growing to hate). i met the most wonderful girl ever to walk the planet a few months ago (and now i can't get her to give me the time of day). i have my health (except for the fact that i was sick to my stomach yesterday). what more could i really ask for? see my instant rebuttals.

ho hum.

my barista had to make my coffee twice, this morning. he got it all the way done and then said "shit. i just made that like an iced mocha. i don't think you want half shots and 90 degree milk." i gave him an appeciative look and said "no thanks." he instantly went about making me a fresh one. when i finally took a sip of it on the way to the car, i noticed it was still a litle weak, but it was nice and warm, so i couldn't complain. and the weak thing was probably just in my head because of the whole prior mix-up.

and now i'm hungry as all hell. still at least an hour and a half off from my lunchtime, so i get to sit here and snack on bullshit like mini oreos. it happens. no wonder my stomach hates me.

when will it ever end?

- 01:38 pm :: permalink
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