2001.09.01 i'll drown my beliefs:

first day of september. it's crazy how it's already this late in the year. the ninth month of twelve. we are almost 3/4 of the way through the year 2001.

and what the fuck have any of us done?

me? not too much. i've shit on, been shit on, and watched something great slip away. i've eaten way too many lunches and dinners at q'doba. taken quite a few pictures with the joycam. seen a whole mess of rock shows.

and written here a whole hell of a lot.

i'm headed up to bloomington in a bit to catch the casket lottery and small brown bike at the ol' bloomington fest. i may be going solo because i think the person that was supposed to ride up with me (as of yesterday) seems to have flaked. my life, full of flaky people.

what's up with aol.com's shoddy presentation of liberty meadows, lately? since jack pointed out that it ran daily, and in color, i've been thoroughly addicted to it. but noooo…aol's gotta fuck it up. a while back it was down for a couple of days and then stuck on a sunday strip for a whole week, while all the other comics plugged right along. after this outage, i noticed that they were re-running strips from around christmas of last year(!). that continued for a couple of weeks and now we've been stuck with the same (old) sunday strip since, well, sunday. it looks like they really need to get their shit together, over there. rat bastards…

so what have i done with my summer?

sat around, wishing you'd call.

- 04:01 pm :: permalink
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