2001.10.23 seven questions with matthew rasnake:

tell me a little about matthew rasnicki…why do they call him the "rad snake"?
well, possibly because of the way i like to writhe around on the ground for hours at a time, or because of the fact that i lived within 50 miles of the leaky paducah nuclear waste facilities… or maybe just 'cause i'm a bad-ass.

if they were to name a haircut after you, calling it "the matt rasnake", what would it look like?
well, at this point, probably like a fuzzy octopus. but i'd prefer a genteel variation of the 50's flop cut, where the hair is long but greased up, slicked back, and piled up on the front like an ocean wave. that's the cut i always wanted… of course, i always wanted black hair too… (who says blondes have more fun?)

what's your problem with midgets?
oh man. straight & to the point, eh? well, the little guys just kind of freak me out. i suppose it's all those movies where the midget just goes crazy and starts attacking kneecaps. i mean, their optimum fighting level is right there at the no-no place. punch me in the face all you want, but if you hit me there, you're dead. assuming i can get up, of course.

why do you post to bipolar so infrequently? are you saving yourself for marriage?
well, that's kind of a loaded question. i'm trying to do better, really. i think i got burned out on the whole weblog thing there for a while… i was reading several blogs on a daily basis, as well as trying to post to bipolar, and i just kind of stopped. not much to say when there's not much going on in your life. plus, i finally got a new computer i can play games on and got sucked into a bunch of those, plus being busy at work… all these things conspired against my faithful bipolar.
as for saving myself for marriage… i think it's a little late for that. although i think i am about to reach that crucial juncture in time where purity is reattained… a sad state of affairs really.

what is your perfect woman like, aside from the fact that she probably works in a coffee shop?
well, she fits all the clich?s. she's very intelligent, funny, caring, kind, sensual, and, preferably sane. as for looks, i go for the short, petite, "pixie" types. short dark hair drives me wild. pouty lips inflame me. i love pretty eyes… they don't have to be a certain color, but there's a certain spark or brightness that really turns me on. if i had to pick an eye color, i'd say blue.
most importantly, it would be nice to find a woman who's not afraid to fall in love. i'm pretty intense emotionally, and tend to scare women off. it's a blessing and a curse. i don't need "unconditional" or "unquestioning" love, or to be in some crazy male-dominant relationship… i'd like a woman to be my equal and still be completely in love with me. no power plays, no head games.
winona ryder with short hair. the chick that played ezri dax on ds9. cameron diaz. sharon perry.

do you think you could take a sheep in a fair fight?
well, you'd have to define a fair sheep fight before i could really say that, but yeah. me & dolly, mano y mano. i think i could take her. but she, much like midgets, falls right into that height danger zone. as long as she knows not to hit below the belt.
is this a street fight, a boxing match, or a kick-boxing match? 'cause straight boxing i'm not so sure about. i'm too tall.

what is one thing most people don't know about "the rasnastic one", that maybe they should know, but once they find out, they'll be afraid they asked?
hm. has it occurred to you that perhaps people don't know because i don't want them to know?
that point is moot. answer the question.
well, this may stretch the bounds of propriety, but… i have this neurotic thing about taking a shit when people are around. i don't like to do it when i know other people are in the house. sometimes, as we all know, there's no avoiding it, but i much prefer it when i know everyone's already gone to bed. oh, and i have to be naked when i do it.

[matt posts to his side of bipolar rather infrequently. he's also known as the creator of coffeemonk.com and a drinker of (appropriately enough) mass amounts of coffee. matt is a poet and a writer and would love for any of you ladies out there to throw your underwear at his head (or on his floor).]

- 12:15 pm :: permalink :: 3 comments
categories ::  7 Questions

3 Responses to “seven questions with matthew rasnake:”

paul said:

awesome. that was just… awesome.

# October 23, 2001,

brian. said:

ain't it, though?

# October 23, 2001,

matt said:

i feel loved.

# October 23, 2001,

