2001.12.16 it's a wonder you're here and it's a wonder that i'm still waiting:

i don't think sunday mornings would be so bad if they didn't directly follow saturday nights. i'm slowly starting to understand that walking into work seriously tired and half hung over is not the best of plans. considering i've been doing this for most of the past year…i'm wondering why i haven't figured this out sooner.

last night one of the guys from work had a party. i thought i'd drop in (as no one here expects me to show up at social gatherings) just to see how everyone was doing. mostly i was interested in hanging out with a particular girl that shares my workplace. i gave her a call and ended up fallowing her out to the party. i showed up on the scene with my own six of amstel light under my arm, in typical brian fashion. we hung out at the party for a while, drinking and having a semi-enjoyable time. words to the wise: try not to go to parties with work people. it's safer to keep some of them at arm's length. just a word of caution.

so that girl and i decided to split. she was ready to head home. i followed her back to her house to make sure she got home okay and then headed over to cahoots (are you starting to realize why i hate sundays so much?). i hung out and shot the shit with a few people that i hardly ever see, then i decided to head home. scott was paying ps2 when i showed up on the scene. i was drunk. he had a moustache. that about sums that up. i went to bed.

friday night i went out shopping with matt for a little while (a total of one gift purchased between the two of us. we were on a roll), which was fun. i then went home and got more plans cancelled by "the girl (who was the girl, but who really isn't, anymore)," so i went out to see vanilla sky with scott. more words of wisdom: go see vanilla sky. i refuse to say anything about that movie except that it is really, really good. go see it.

i bought the newest superchunk record. expect a review on 75 or less soon.

other than that? i wish i could take a nap.

- 12:43 pm :: permalink
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