2001.12.23 dancers and acrobats:

here i am, working my only day until wednesday. i was off my standard 3 days, i come back for one, and then i'm off for two more. today seems like a total waste. but is a day ever a total waste if you have a trusty mocha by your side? exactly.

weekends are becoming a blur. maybe it's just all this holiday bullshit. ben got back into town thursday, and we met up with ben and headed straight out to q'doba. then it was off to a viewing of fellowship of the ring with scott and jason from work. one long movie later and we were sitting in the parking lot talking about how that was totally braveheart, except with orcs and goblins. a pretty good summation, i think. we all enjoyed the movie a great deal, so it was a good time. friday night we hit ramsi's and then the bar, hanging out until god knows when in the morning. i saw "the girl" at the bar and somehow played it cool, despite the fact that i was roaring drunk. or something. i confirmed our plans for the next day and went about my business. of getting more drunk. or going home. i don't remember.

for those keeping score, i still haven't won a free sprite.

yesterday i sat around the house with ben playing grand theft auto 3 and making flyers for the kilowatthours show on saturday (the 29th of december…if you live in louisville, you should be there). one of the flyers featured barney from the simpsons. we were quite proud of that, for some reason. we also made a "version b" flyer with a picture of some weird space nebula. we figured the stoners needed some love, too. then "the girl" came over and we hung out. i gave her the gift i bought. i felt like a dumbass. she and i had a talk, and i didn't feel like a dumbass anymore. so…yeah. i'm stressing a situation that neither she or i understands, so it's completely fruitless to worry about it. i guess i'll just go with the flow. we hung out at the mag bar with some friends of her's and then we headed back to my place to have that previously mentioned conversation. we may or may not do something on christmas eve. i'm not sure yet. i probably shouldn't hold my breath. or something.

i've come to the realization that i love almost any girl that works at the coffeeshop, calls me by name, and makes my coffee without me having to place an order. i feel like i somehow got bumped into some exclusive coffee place club or something. only i would be excited about something so lame.

so…uh…merry christmas, or whatever.

- 12:20 pm :: permalink
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