2002.01.10 i'm livin' in a plastic bag:

well…it looks like the webserver died for most of yesterday. oh well. shit happens. life goes on. it's a fuckin' drag, ain't it?

why are there always garbage men outside my house? it's insane. they must really like to hang out here. they sit in their loud trucks, idling in the streets and shaking my windows. this has to stop.

i have watched rushmore twice in the past two days. i watched it with scott the other night, and then i somehow ended up viewing it again with one of the often mentioned "beautiful coffeeshop girls." how i made that conversion, i'll never know. it seems like it happened organically, though. which is good. i also have no clue if she's into me, at all. not that it really matters. i really enjoyed hanging out with her. which is good.

other than that, i haven't done jack shit. i'm collecting unemployment, making almost as much money as i did working that job that i didn't really like. which is good. now i have time to sit back and relax, write more on the screenplay that i want to do, write more music, and just generally take a break for a while. i plan on looking around for a good job before tour, but i'm hoping to just wait until after we get back and then grab a nice paying job. it would be silly to find something good and then drop it to hit the road. we'll see how it turns out.

my driver's side door is broken, which is going to cost me some ridiculous sum to fix. which is not so good. the hinges are going out and i can't shut it from the inside. i have to be outside of the car and lift up on it and then slam it shut. needless to say, it's a huge pain in the ass. the mechanic can't get to it until monday, so until then i'm climbing in and out the passenger side door. talk about humiliating. if it were warm out, i'd just leave the window dwn and dukes of hazard it. might as well go the total fool route, huh?

i guess i'm trying to temper all the bullshit of the last couple of weeks with a wee bit of good. who knows…

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