2002.01.24 surprise! we're back! :

bet you thought we were gone forever…

well, don't count on it, sweethearts.

we found out around the 9th of Jan. that the ISP that controlled our host's 'net connection was about to remove it. it was supposed to happen on the 14th, so i thought i had plenty of time to sit down and write a post to let everyone know what was going on. (you know where this is going) so, of course, things aren't quite working right the entire rest of the week leading up to the deadline, FTP server's up & down, the whole site's up & down, and then, on Sat. or Sun. i guess it was, the plug gets pulled.

well, thanks to the boys at wraithsys (our once & future hosts) things were already in the works to get everything back up and running. now we're set up on a temporary server until such time as the final arrangements can be made. and hopefully the transition from this temp server to the new permanent server will go much more smoothly, since we can actually plan for this one. wish us luck.

this is just a quick note to let you all (those of you who can actually reach the site at this point… DNS is still propagating right now) know what's been up, what's currently up, and what will possibly be up in the future.

oh, and i'd like to say thanks to tim from sounds from a heart murmur for actually noticing that we were MIA. it's good to be loved!

more tomorrow. now, i sleep.

- 11:37 pm :: permalink :: 8 comments
categories ::  Bipolar: News

8 Responses to “surprise! we're back! :”

tim said:

right on.

# January 26, 2002,

Nate said:

I can't believe I came all the way out here for this. I knew this. I knew all of this. Okay, maybe not the part about Tim, but everything else. Where's the meat? Where's the substance? Where's the content?

Damn you Rasnake. Damn you to hell and back.

(Seriously, I'm just looking forward to you posting again)

# January 28, 2002,

matt said:

let it hereby be decreed that tim rocks.

and you, Mr. "Nate" sir, if that indeed be thy real name. while thee may well have known the plight that had befallen your beloved bipolar, and the adventure undertaken by which to surmount the obstacles in it's path, others unbeknownst to thee may have been waiting with baited breath to hear even a portion of our tale of woe.

nevertheless, at thy behest, a new post awaits.

# January 29, 2002,

Nate said:

Please do tell me what they used to bait their breath. I haven't caught a thing lately.

# January 29, 2002,

matt said:

oh you know, the usual. grub worms, nightcrawlers, candied yams, small children.

# January 29, 2002,

Nate said:

I usually use the candied yams to catch the small children themselves. I've found it much less expensive than trying to buy them on the white-slave market. And at least you *know* you're getting healthy babies if you catch them wild.

# January 31, 2002,

matt said:

well yes, but i've always found the wild ones to have a little too much of a "gamey" taste for my palate.

# February 1, 2002,

Nate said:

Bay leaves, my friend. Bay leaves.

# February 6, 2002,

