2002.02.01 you can't say that's fair:

i was driving down the road earlier — just one of the little back neighborhood streets around here — and it's this dreary, overcast day. so i'm driving down the road and i look ahead of me and there's this patch of light in the street. just this big patch of bright sunlight. i pulled through it, and looked up to see the sun peeking down at me out of this tiny hole in the mass of clouds that covered the entire sky. it seemed like, for that moment, the sun decided to stop, take a look around, and give me a wink.

now that i've written up that little account, i'm wondering what the hell i was supposed to get out of that moment. one slim moment of bright on a gloomy day…

i think i have a good idea, but i think i'll keep that one to myself, for a little while.

i called the unemployment office yesterday. it looks like my former place of employment has completely trumped my claim to collect benefits. crap. now i've ben sitting around for a month without a job and nothing to show for it. crap. i could appeal the decision, but that would waste time and then it would be two months of me without a steady income. not a good plan. looks like my plan of laying around, living like billy madison until tour has just flown out the window.

moral to the story: time to go get a job, slackass.

tonight…bowling. monday…search for gainful employment.

at least i got to see the sun today…

- 05:46 pm :: permalink
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