2002.02.23 i am trying to break your heart:

i could think of a million better ways to be spending a saturday than sitting at work. a million. hell…most of them would include not even being awake yet. ahhh…to live the life of an unemployed drain on society…

my main beef with this job is that they have completely screwed my sleeping schedule. i work in the evenings every day except saturday, when i have to be in this joint at the brain-numbing hour of 9am. needless to say, i'm pretty tired.

and hopped up on an insane amount of coffee.

speaking of coffee…it seems like they were training a new guy at the coffeeshop, this morning. it took forever to make my mocha, mainly because the guy had two of the ever so hard to make "iced cappucino" lined up in front of my l'il order. not that i'm complaining…i just hung out and shot the breeze with tara. i guess my only real complaint is that when i got into the car and took that all important first sip of coffee…there was a total separation of steamed milk and the good stuff (also known as the espresso and chocolate). stir, man…stir! better luck next time, chief.

problem: i have once again finished all the work in my department. this is a problem since it is only noon o'clock. my ass still has to sit in this joint for five hours. five long hours where i have to pretend like i'm doing something. this isn't gonna be easy…

the most pathetic thing about the preceding paragraph is that it takes more effort to pretend like i'm doing work so that i can slack off than it actually does to go find some other work. semantics.

but then again…that's just the way life goes, sometimes.

- 12:00 pm :: permalink
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