2002.03.08 breaking up or breaking down:

just because i figured you all needed a unique insight into the conversations ben and i have just about everyday…

me: look…if creed can get as popular as they are, we're gonna be huge.
ben: hahaha
me: because they fuckin' suck.
ben: yep…but they're all muscley and about god…we're anything but.
me: exactly. we'll be huge. we're the anti-creed.
ben: jack ass.
me: who? me?
ben: yeah.
me: why? i didn't know you were into creed, man….
ben: heh
me: i apologize for trashing your favorite band… god loving hippie.
ben: yeah…you should feel bad
me: once again…i apologize.
ben: yes. thanks.

yes…we're really that stupid.

- 03:52 pm :: permalink
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