2002.04.12 you better your life there's gonna be a fight:

some days just start all wrong. i got woken up at 5:30 this morning by my crazy cat because she decided to start wailing and making as much noise as possible. it's springtime and i think her bitchass is going into heat. this means she'll be spending the night sequestered in the bathroom and i'll be keeping my bedroom door closed. this usually doesn't help much.

so i didn't get enough sleep. other than that, my morning went smooth enough. scott was running late for work, so we competed for the bathroom. no big deal. he was pretty much done by the time i got downstairs, anyway.

i decided to go grab some doughnuts on the way into work. like a dumbass, i decided to go to the speedway (super america r.i.p.) instead of actually going to krispy kreme. i figured speedway had a big krispy kreme "kiosk" or whatever, so i should be able to get plenty of good shit at the early hour. well…some asshole was standing there grabbing his dozen doughnuts and he was stockin' himself up on the custard filled. these are my favorite doughnuts, see…so i was pretty stoked when he left two in there. those two had my name on them…totally. so he shuts the door after choosing his complete dozen. then he looks around, opens the door back up, and grabs one more custard filled, leaving only one! the fucker went for the baker's dozen, knowing he was totally going to get away without having to pay for my doughnut that he fucking stole. i said something about him being a cocksucker. apparently i said it too loud, because i think he heard me. he gave me this redneck sneer and i wanted to knock the shit out of him. he needed a good cock punching, that's for sure.

so i grabbed my one doughnut and some chocolate milk and headed into work.

and i had to park on the top floor of the parking garage. that sucks.

so now i'm just sitting in the office, listening to the misfits, wanting to kill someone. i was planning on going up to the skatepark after work, but it decided to start raining.

jon is running my review of the new weezer record today over at 75 or less. there may be some choice kinko's stories running on slatch later this afternoon, as well.

oh…wait…this is friday. that seems to help make everything a little better. now all i need is a switchblade…

- 11:02 am :: permalink :: 2 comments
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2 Responses to “you better your life there's gonna be a fight:”

scott said:

sounds to me like you need to get your cat fucking spayed already!!! and try to start being more accepting of redneck doughnut etiquette and less anal about your own preferences. are we talking long johns here or custard creme filled? whatever, you can't go wrong with a plain old chocolated glazed doughnut (not chocolate covered, there's a difference).

# April 14, 2002,

brian. said:

we're talking regular, custard-filled doughnuts. not long johns. they never have the custard long johns.

# April 15, 2002,

