2002.04.22 Lucifigous Prick demo tracks:

well, the final tweaks have been made to the demo tracks, so i figured i'd post 'em here first.
we don't have a title for the demo disc, since it's, uh… a demo.

Lucifigous Prick demo mp3 releases
1. Happy Place (mp3, 5.1MB, 5:22)
2. Saturn Turns (mp3, 2.8MB, 2:56) *new*
3. The Wrath of Orson (mp3, 10.8MB, 11:26)

the June 4th show is a no-go as the out of town band made other arrangements before our friend could get back in touch with them. but, there is a July 5th show on the books, and that may be our first show (if we don't get off our asses and set up another one before then.) needless to say, we're all getting psyched up for it.

- 01:00 pm :: permalink :: 6 comments
categories ::  Lucifigous Prick - Music

6 Responses to “Lucifigous Prick demo tracks:”

Nate said:

Again, not a problem. I can adjust my schedule any damn way I please… ahh… how ya like yer job now? When thay slide 'da bootie acum, leggum down and smack 'em yack 'em.

# April 22, 2002,

brian. said:

is it me or does nate talk in gibberish?

# April 22, 2002,

paul said:

excuse me stewardess, but i speak jive.

# April 23, 2002,

Nate said:

Sheeeeeeyiiiiit. Ain't no thang.

# April 23, 2002,

Nate said:

Need… posts… must… comment… new post… strength… fading… post…

# April 25, 2002,

Nate said:

5 days and still nothing interesting to talk about… hmm… this is starting to seem like Schroedinger's cat. When Matt posts, do all the other alternate Matt lives collapse?

# April 27, 2002,

