2002.05.02 Oh my god and oh my cat:

Does Brian posting mean that we can't post anymore? Who knows.

I'm in the midst of a nine-page final paper for a history class. Two pages and a bunch of reading in. I have three final exams to attend next week, and of course, between two of the exams, I have an interview at FedEx. Please cross your fingers for me so at some point I can start dreaming about owning a PS2 without feeling guility about the ironic impact of such dreaming on the possibility of finding a summer job. My mind is pretty weird.

As much as I hate Andrew W.K. the blogger, his music is fairly entertaining. Here is my review of the first track from his album, as done in "overblown Pitchfork 10.0 style."

Andrew W.K. – "It's time to party"

Clocking in an ever-so-brief 90 seconds, "It's Time to Party" encapsulates all of the thunderous sentiment that rock and roll once possessed, but is nary present in these times of pro-tools manufacturing. Shredding the gossamer wings which lighter songcraft depends on, "Hey you! Let's Party!" is a call-to-arms like few other artists could dare to approach, embossing its chants with a pounding 2/2 beat and an epidemic of racing keyboards. This music would defeat artificial intelligence – the final cure for James Cameron's Terminator – since the decidedly human elements of this rock beast would blow all of their circuits with its sheer willpower. As Andrew W.K. bellows out the final line of this doctrinal work – "There's going to be a party tonight!" – the listener has no option but to become the drone to his Queen Bee. Andrew W.K. does not merely change your views on music; his vehement party platform will change your outlook on life, like a rock and roll version of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto," minus all of the boredom and low-fi production values that plagued that seminal work. It is a mission statement for an entire album of mission statements – perhaps not the most memorable track, but the most necessary in establishing a cohesive document for Andrew W.K.'s unique world vision.

- 04:10 pm :: permalink :: 1 comment
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One Response to “Oh my god and oh my cat:”

Andrew W.K. said:

"It's Time to Party" is about partying. Commence partying now!

# May 2, 2002,

