2002.08.04 with a bullet in his back:

friday night i hung out with matt, nate, and paul and drank a great deal of mickey's. we actually had to go on a mad quest all over fucking town to find the shit, but it was well worth it. nothing beats malt liquor on a hot summer night. except maybe a swimming pool and sex, but that's beside the point…

we ended up getting fairly trashed, which was our obvious goal. matt mentioned that he had never had a hangover. at that point, our goal changed rather quickly…get matt so drunk he has a massive hangover in the morning. right aroud that time, seth showed up. and then we started installing speakers in the back of my car. at 4am. i remember sitting there and realizing that the entire back seat of my car was laying in pieces on the lawn. miraculously, the whole thing got reassembled and it sounds great.

and then the next day, matt reported he did not have a hangover. mission failed.

last night john and i decided to crash yet another pool, i really should make a comprehensive list of all the pools that i've been naked in, this summer. we usually try to get as many girls as possible to go, but it doesn't always work out that way. maybe they have a problem with a bunch of drunk guys walking up and saying "hey…we're gonna go crash this pool"…right around the time the bar's closing. hey…it's a great idea when you're wasted.

today: cookout. kickball. i better remember to stretch, this time.

- 01:05 pm :: permalink :: 3 comments
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3 Responses to “with a bullet in his back:”

Nate said:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Get Matt ripped on cheap whiskey with loads of sulfides, prevent him from drinking water before bed, watch the good times roll.

This comment will self-destruct in 5… 4… 3… 2…

# August 5, 2002,

m@ said:

see, the problem with people trying to induce hangovers in me is that i almost always outlast every other person at the party. everyone else goes to bed, i'm still wandering around trying to stop the world from spinning long enough for me to lay down and sleep comfortably.

# August 6, 2002,

Nate said:

Change of plan, we'll simulate a hangover for him by beating him about the head with rubber hoses for two hours before he goes to bed. Then he won't feel left out, and we won't have to kill him.

Self-righteous pricks…

# August 6, 2002,

