2002.08.09 sour face reflected in metal:

it seems like i've been slacking off and only updating about every other day. i need to work on that. the truth is, though, that not much is really going on. i stayed home the last two nights (stayed home?! in the middle of the week?! unheard of!) and i start my new job in a little over two and a half hours. nothing really that exciting, i guess. maybe i should take up a daring hobby…like juggling flaming chainsaws.

i've written a couple more reviews for 75 or less. they should see the light of day sometime next week. i reviewed the newest queens of the stone age and the hey mercedes weekend ep. i'll link 'em up when they get posted.

last night scott paid a visit to our local kroger to score some flame-grilled burgers and other various provisions. instead of coming back with the normal a1 sauce, he decided to pick up the a1 extra spicy or some business. it has tabasco in it. we had a few burgers, remarked that it was quite tasty and just a tad spicy (meaning not really at all), and called it an evening. this morning…i'm still tasting that shit. and it's not nearly as good as it was going down. as far as i'm concerned, i think i'll stick with the regular a1, thanks.

now i need to go hit the shower…

- 12:09 pm :: permalink :: 1 comment
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One Response to “sour face reflected in metal:”

Nate said:

You mean flame-grilled burger substitutes ™.

# August 9, 2002,

