2002.08.10 can't put out the fire that resides in you:

my only complaint with my new job is that the training days are incredibly short. it suckss to get up so early on a saturday morning to go in for only a couple of hours. oh well. i jump started my work schedule by picking up a bunch of shifts next week. that should get me back in the swing of things.

next week is also hot snakes in chicago. i have a couple of friends that were wanting to go…hope they're still up for it.

last night matt and i went out to kinko's to print flyers for their upcoming show (next week? i think so…) and ended up at steak and shake eating some seriously greasy food (the only way to go!). i made tentative plans to meet him up at the back door a little later in the evening, but when i showed up there for my brief appearance, he wasn't there yet. i ended up rolling up to cahoots to find john to give him the copy of the make-up show i burned for him. the exchange ended up going a little something like this:

me: i brought you something…
john: what's this…?
me: that make-up show you were wanting…
john: holy shit! you're awesome!
random girl john was talking to: the make-up? wow…lemme see…
john (ignoring girl): come on, man…let's take this out to my car…

take note: cool cds of live music will make john ignore women. i think it's about the only thing that can cause that reaction.

tonight irina is playing their last show for a while. phil is going to russia for four months, so you better believe i'll be there with bells on. they'll have copies of the stuff they recorded a few months ago…expect a review soon.

time to go enjoy my saturday…

- 12:37 pm :: permalink :: 2 comments
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2 Responses to “can't put out the fire that resides in you:”

puffin said:

good to see that you've found a way to keep your man's eye from wandering! you go girl!

# August 12, 2002,

brian. said:

if you say so, peter puffer…i mean "puffin."

# August 12, 2002,

