2002.08.13 can't explain:

it's been a couple of days since i've updated, so i figure i better get on the ball…

i had to open the store today. one thing i've just come to realize is…coffeeshops open really fuckin' early. this is also bad when you try to force yourself to go to bed at a reasonable hour when you're not really tired. i tossed and turned and don't remember getting any actual sleep until right before my alarm clock went off at 5:45am. i only know this because i remember seeing the clock and realizing i had 15 more minutes to "sleep," and i was dreaming when the alarm sounded. i guess i can't think of a better job to be working at that hour of the morning, though…all the free espresso you can ram through your system. i topped it all off with a bagel and i was actually functioning. the one thing that makes my job easily bearable is all the good lookin' ladies i work with. it's like my own little slice of heaven.

so i was off relatively early today. i took my grandmother some fresh ground coffee, hung out for lunch, and then headed home and fell straight into a nap. i feel quite refreshed and i'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow. hopefully it's not all overcast and rainy like it is today…

- 05:37 pm :: permalink
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