2002.10.03 we draw lines:

it's been a wild week, to say the least. before i get into all the bad shit, i should probably go ahead and mention that i got new shoes. i'm excited about the shoes because i spent a while trying to get ahold of a particular pair, and i have finally been successful. my new shoes are rockin'. be jealous.

so i'm without a car for the moment. this is because it's in the shop getting the window fixed. this is because a couple of nights ago, some asshole decided it would be a good idea to break into my car and steal my stereo, all my cds, and other assorted junk. to top it all off, he decided to fuck up my air vent, as well. isn't it enough that you busted my window and stole all my shit, violating my little honda right out in front of the girl's house while we slept? you really didn't need to cause the extra damage, dickhead.

has anyone seen my deh-p7400mp? if you do see it, tell it i miss it and want it to come home.

in other "news"…i would be writing this from my "new" computer, if the thing weren't such a piece of shit. i'll have to spend the next couple of days completely reinstalling the os and all my software, i guess. i was even gonna update the webcam (be afraid…very afraid). this is why i decided to send in my own story to the apple switch campaign. maybe they'll use it. seriously…have you ever seen that episode of friends where joey acts like a total stranger's porsche is his own? that's me with scott's imac.

make due. expect a new update as soon as the hunk of shit upstairs is working.

- 03:53 pm :: permalink :: 5 comments
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5 Responses to “we draw lines:”

steve k said:

nice shoes man, nice shoes. i just got a pair of red black reebok classic ballistics. i like 'em.

# October 3, 2002,

scott said:

where'd you get the cash for that? You got a sugar mama or something?

# October 3, 2002,

John said:

Dude, EVERYONE needs to use a Mac!!

# October 7, 2002,

brian. said:

tell me about it…

# October 7, 2002,

Lindsay said:

I love your shoes. Sorry about your stolen shit – that as I'm sure you know sucks.

# October 17, 2002,

