2002.11.13 can you give me an answer?:

i somehow forgot to mention (probably because bipolar has been down for the entire weekend) that i have a couple of new reviews up over at 75 or less. read all about the new rocket from the crypt and shipping news releases. or not. it's not like anyone is twisting your arm.

it's wednesday. i'm off work. i'm in the middle of beta testing the new everquest game on the ps2. so far, so good. that is, except for the server going down on a regular basis. i also got a free copy of twisted metal: black online in the mail, so i can always play that, i guess.

other than that? i've been sick off and on for the past couple of weeks, so that's always a drag. there was apparently some serious power fluctuations at seth's house, so the transmission3000 server (also the home of coffeemonk.com) scored itself one burned out hard drive. seth got a new one shipped overnight, and as of right now, i think we're back in business. i uploaded a national acrobat radio performance from a long while back, but i haven't had a chance to design the page for it yet. i'll get around to it soon, i'm sure. the stooges footage looks great, from what i hear, so expect to see that soon, as well.

time to go play some video games…

- 05:51 pm :: permalink :: 5 comments
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5 Responses to “can you give me an answer?:”

drunk ash said:

hey, if you can tell Noble that I'm the Austin constituency of his fan base and that I've had a hard fuckin' time finding those goddamned sewn-together cds, I'd love a copy of that comp, and I'd be more than happy to pay top dollar to those Shippin' News boys for it.

That being said, work sucks and we haven't had any time to bullshit. I'm just counting the minutes 'til I can quit this punk-ass corporate bullshit and head up to the old K-Y of a state to hang.

Of course, that might be thousands and thousands of minutes, but it's got to count for something, right?

# November 14, 2002,

brian. said:

the compilation of all the eps wil be available nationwide, ash…no worries.

# November 14, 2002,

Anonymous said:

man yer always sick.pussy

# November 14, 2002,

m@ said:

wow. you know you're popular when anonymous strangers decide to take the time to post inane comments on your weblog.

# November 14, 2002,

brian. said:

i think it's ben. although, i'm not sure…

# November 14, 2002,

